
Silicon Valley Maniac Quiz extra

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Finally released iPhone 4 at During this time.
So now that the questions from the iPhone.


iPhone4 has trouble, the problem is if you hold your left hand,iPhone4 Choppy waves.
So What if you had to do it?

Maybe Japanese blue-chip companies such as Panasonic or Nintendo to support or want to recall.
but Apple might be those that can not be expected.

Before, actually when Apple released AppleⅢ, Apple happened similar problem. so Apple do not respond much.

Well, he say that Jobs has change this way, we make one with only reluctantly.

Incidentally, the following example of a person answer it.

I was impressed, this is not the phone.
But an manufacturer say this is correct hold,so Maybe it has only.
So the answer, support the iPhone4 that have up and down.

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