
Silicon Valley Maniac Quiz Ver2

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I do not know why last wrote about Silicon Valley's Quiz Ver2 begins.


intel is computer parts manufacturer, it is so famous company.
So what is the name of the previous intel?

intel company founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore.
But They originally worked at Shockley Laboratories.
However Shockley's management is so Lack of management capability. So they created a company called Fairchild Semiconductor, then intel was established.

The problem is the company's name, Take the first letter of Moore and Noyce named NM electronics still going on.
but it is common Name.
Integrated electronics like intelligent thought named Moore and Noyce was combining with the two it was Intel.

By the way, its original intel logo, e point where it is going down.
It stands for Integrated electronics.In addition, the image to go to grow exponentially in semiconductors.

So answer is NM electronics.

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