the theme is CPU maker intel's Game "Ashitarobo"
Intel is a Silicon Valley company.Of course I have been going intel.
Ashitarobo's mean that it is build a robot in curiosity.
The intel to make their own robots, the site is so new we also fight other robots.
However, I sad the new, it is one of about a month ago.
This is Top screen.
The guy is just a boy on the right of the robot game.
If you Click a boy on the right. it change screen that create a robot screen,and you select intel CPU.
Yes intel only. No AMD.
Then, there are parts and accessories category, from which to select 10 pieces can be assembled.
So instead of just a single individual can also be put in place more than one, the ability of the robot will change accordingly.
Who have an account you can see the robot ever built coming out of the warehouse.
Incidentally, the my robot name that I sell the fight to the intel "AMD" named it.
Go with the bots battle between fully automatic, but unfortunately only side looking base.
The end of the battle, you get the experience, leading to increased levels of the robot, also raised position.
However, one place robot's win number is 17212!
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